Image courtesy of GoWesty
Overland Outfitting
Bumpers & Accessories
Total Price: Varies
There is quite a cottage industry in our Vanagon community for making burlier, heavier duty bumpers for our vans. GoWesty, Rocky Mountain Westy, Van Cafe, Burly Motorsports and others, it seems there isn’t a shortage of the right bumpers for your application.
For nearly every bumper maker there is an associated swing away system for spare tires, extra gas cans or storage lockers. If you have upgraded your tires to a larger rim size, chances are the spare tire for your new set doesn’t fit under the body in the spare tire compartment. That’s where a handy dandy swing away comes into play.
As if your bumpers weren’t cool enough, there are also bull bars you can add to create additional mounting points as well as protecting your plastic grill components from any unfortunate collisions with wildlife.