Image courtesy of GoWesty
Camper Modification
Propane Tank Install and Service
Total Price: varies
Whether your propane tank is old and rusty or you’re in need of a new one, we can help get your tank installed. You’ll be cooking with gas* before too long. Also, if you are wanting to install a Propex heater, a propane tank is a must.
*You’ll be cooking with propane actually. :)
Recommended Propane Tanks
Large Capacity LP Tank
Timeline: 7-10 days from order
5.9 gallons of a capacity let’s you stay off the grid longer. It includes a level indicator as well.
Shop here: Go Westy
Standard Capacity LP Tank
Timeline: 7-10 days from order
Shiny new propane tank. 3.3 gallon tank is 10% more than the original. Includes a skid plate and is DOT compliant.
Shop here: GoWesty
*Prices do not include labor